This declaration of privacy is applicable whenever one visits the website of Rotocol.
Rotocol values your privacy. As a point of departure we have taken the requirements as specified by laws protecting personal information.
Parts of this website can be consulted anonymously.
Rotocol does not register data regarding the identity of the visitor of this website, unless permission to do so has been given.

Your personal information is handled and protected with extreme care.
In all cases Rotocol will only process information that is useful and not excessive.
Information given by you will not be used for commercial or marketing ends, nor will the information be shared with other parties.
Above all, all information is handled in accordance to the laws regarding the protection of personal information.

Log database and cookies
The server that houses this website, records a log database.
The data from this log database is used to draw our attention to possible problems and to gather information regarding the frequency of visits to our website, the information preferred by visitors and the web browser that has been used.
In order to let you log in a cookie will temporarily (this means as long as you are logged in) be placed on the hard disk of you computer. When one uses the possibility for the computer to remember your password, a cookie will be placed on you hard disk permanently.

Changes and adjustments
Rotocol has the right to make changes and adjustments within this declaration of privacy. Changes will be published on this website.

References to other website
On this website, references have been made to other websites which have been created by other parties than Rotocol. Rotocol cannot be held responsible for the use and content of these websites, nor for any consequences of a visit to these websites.
For more information, contact us via email or phone:

T: +31(0)6-46992117

ROTOCOL, One less thing to worry about!